Weekly Newsletter, March 30 2020

Dear 2A Families,

I am so impressed by the dedication and quality of work that students are showing as we continue our distance learning.  The highlight of my week was being able to see most of the class during our Zoom Class Meeting.  What a treat!  Thank you for assisting your child in joining us for this experience.  I’ll plan at least one per week moving forward.

A couple of notes for next week:

Morning Message Videos

I want you to know that we are trying to stay consistent with our weekly schedule and checklists.  I have added a “Morning Message” video for students to watch first each day.  In these brief videos, I will outline the assignments for each day and provide additional clarification or directions as needed.  My own kids are in KA and 1A and both of their teachers start each day with a morning message video.  It has helped me tremendously as a mom so I wanted to offer it to all of you as a tool.


Have you ever worked tirelessly on something and then one night you have this terrible nightmare about that one thing you forgot?  Well, I did!  Needless to say, I forgot to send home the math worksheets needed for the upcoming week.  I have scanned them and will link them to each checklist.  There are a couple of options:

-Print off the worksheet (black & white is fine), complete the assignment, and submit a scanned copy or picture to turn in


-Write/draw out the problems on a piece of blank paper and list the correct answer.  Submit a scanned copy or picture to turn in

Thank you for your assistance and flexibility!


On Tuesday, follow the Parent/Student Guide for Lesson 56-Describing the loudness of sound.  On Thursday, follow the Parent/Student Guide for Lesson 57-How the environment affects the sounds we hear.

Spelling Test

Good job giving your student their spelling test!  😊 Keep up the good work next week.  Remember to submit a picture of the test when you are turning in the test.

Grading Procedure

Students are receiving participation points at this time for grades.  If they turn in the checklist and proof of complete and correct assignments, they will receive 100 points.  If something is missing or incorrect, points are deducted.  I am keeping track of individual assignments in the gradebook, like I normally would if we were in school.  I am mostly looking for 100% effort. 😊  Effort and participation allow me to measure progress.  I will always give a grade and write a comment for each checklist for every student.  In the comment, I will note if anything needs to be corrected or completed.  The student can then resubmit the assignment.  Try your best to be timely when turning in assignments.

Thank you so much for participating in your child’s learning in this unique way.  We’re all in this together so reach out if you need anything!


Mrs. Nicole Martin

2nd Grade Teacher

Published by

Melissa Morrier-Turk

My name is Melissa Morrier-Turk, I am a graduate of SMM (class of 1986) and have been a member of the parish community much of my life. I have a B.S. in Business with an emphasis in Human Resources from Central Washington University and have spent my 23 years working in this field, traveling all over the USA and Canada as an HR Director, as well as a corporate trainer. My husband Mike and I have two kids, our son is in college and our daughter is a Junior at AMHS. In my off time I enjoy running, cycling, hiking, anything outdoorsy really. I have absolutely loved working with and getting to know so many of the families here at SMM and am looking forward to getting to know you all better as part of your school community!